Thursday, March 1, 2012

Namibia’s ‘Dog-headed Pig Monster’ Spurs Witchcraft Debate

What citizens in Shop for Cheap Soccer Jerseys a rural African village report about at a mysterious white beast with a doglike head and backside resembling a large swine is terrifying. Not simply because the creature will hurt them, but simply because superstition and accusations bordering the beast could lead them to hurt each and every other.
“This need to be the work of black magic,” an official in the Oshana location of northern Namibia told the Informante newspaper.

Regional Councilor Andreas Mundjindi explained residents have spotted the beast chasing canines and goats, and a young man mentioned it tried to assault him as he walked home.

Several citizens said they are now Chicharito Jersey as well terrified to walk by yourself. One principle has it that the beast may have occur from the house of a local aged guy.

“Everyone believes it is his beast and even he is familiar with that we think so,” an unnamed resident instructed Informante.

Accusations like that can have severe consequences in Namibia and during sub-Saharan African where elderly people are often accused of practising the “old approaches,” or witchcraft. Thousands have been pressured to flee for their lives, and a lot of do not endure. Across the continent, there are repeated studies of people accused of witchcraft currently being murdered by family members, neighbors or frenzied mobs.

“In most situations it is a quarrel or jealousy or just superstition that drives this,” stated Phepsile Maseko of the Classic Healers Group based in South Africa. &#one hundred sixty”When people are bad and uneducated they have a tendency to concentrate on the witch hunt when there is any type of problem.”

Maseko mentioned the widely-held belief in “black magic” in Africa can be a dilemma for her business’s members who are often accused of becoming “witch medical doctors” since they apply historical, indigenous kinds of medication.

Maseko believes greater schooling and much more lawful protections are needed to end witchcraft-associated violence in Africa. Until then, when peculiar things happen– or are just rumored to have happened– she fears far more harmless folks will be damage.

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