Monday, February 13, 2012

Schaub's passing stats little reason behind celebration

Matt Schaub has published large amounts last season,primarily due to the Texans insufficient a running game (AP Photo/Tom Gannam)

Matt Schaub is setting up large amounts this season but his stats arelittle reason behind celebration - unless of course of courseyou're an illusion geek and Schaub is the beginning quarterback.

When I was tossing together the sooner, I observed something quite alarming.

At his current pace, Schaub will push 600 pass attempts this year.

That appeared as an insanely large number so inquisitive person that i'm, I returned and required phone NFLleaders in passing attempts in the last ten seasons. Here things i dug up:

National football league leaders in pass attempts 1999-2008

Year Quarterback Pass Attempts Team Record 2010 nfl playoffs Yes/No

1999 Favre Fined (GB) 595 8-8 No

2000 Vinny Testaverde (NYJ) 590 9-7 No

2001 Jon Kitna (Cin) 581 6-10 No

2002 Wealthy Gannon (Oak) 618 11-5 Yes

2003 Kaira Manley (TB) 570 7-9 No

2004 Trent Eco-friendly (KC) 556 7-9 No

2005 Favre 607 4-12 No

2006 Favre 613 8-8 No

2007 Brees (NO) 652 7-9 No

2008 Brees 635 8-8 No

A fewinferences can bemade according to these data:

600 pass attempts inside a months are more prevalent that it was once

In the last ten seasons, league leaders in pass attempts (except for Gannon in 2002) performed on 'average at best' teams

In the last ten seasons, league leaders in pass attempts typically quarterback teams that do not result in the 2010 nfl playoffs (again except for Gannon in '02.)

So quite simply, simply because you are tossing it everywhere does not mean your team willbe effective. Actually, searching in the past ten seasons data highly indicates thatyou will not be effective.

In '09, Peyton Manning could get to be the first quarterback since Gannon to guide the league in pass attempts making the 2010 nfl playoffs. Manning presently has 532 attempts. Schaub and Tom Brady are tied for second with 513.

In 2003, Brady and Came Bledsoe (Bills) also had over 600 pass attempts. The Pats finished AC Milan Jersey 9-7, the debts 8-8, nor team made the 2010 nfl playoffs.

What is the point, you request? Well, is not it apparent? Balance on offense isa way to succeed.

Schaub hasdemonstratedin 2009the toughness and leadershipthat we have all been awaiting. He's managed to get through 14 games and performed the final three having a dislocated left wing. He's proven he can transport the burden. And I am sure Gary Kubiak wishes Schaub's 36.6 attempts per game (surpassed by only Manning and Matthew Stafford) was nearer to 30.

While Schaub's amounts rank presents Arsenal jerseys itself the league in a number of groups this year,his numbersserve like a vivid indication from the Texans greatest weakness - the totallack of the running game.

And before the Texans get areliable running game, they'll still need Professional Bowl performances fromMatt Schaub and Andre Johnsonjustto remain

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